RAW Has Actually Got This!...

Happy Presidents’ Day, Enthusiasts!

Are you relaxing?  I would highly suggest it.  Anyway, we have about 10 days before this Super Showdown and it appears that the WWE is plotting a loose course.   It’s not entirely clear how it will all come to pass but we’re starting to get a rough idea.  SmackDown did its job and kept pace last week by keeping things relatively light for Valentine’s Day so RAW now has to continue to demonstrate it is the top show since it decided to re-establish itself there.  I’m not upset at this recalibration but RAW now has to face up to the responsibility.  I’m sure SmackDown wouldn’t mind taking that sort of distinction back.   

Anyway, before we can contemplate that reacquisition.   We have to see if RAW drops the ball and so far, it seems like they’re getting the hang of quarterbacking.  Tonight, we have to look forward to a “sermon” from Seth Rollins and it looks like Humberto “The Kid” Carrillo will pair with Rusev to take on the likes of Bobby Lashley and Carrillo’s cousin, Angel Garza.  Word on the street speculates that Rusev may be seeing what his options are as it doesn’t seem likely he’ll renew his contract with the WWE.   I would say that would be unfortunate but I get the feeling he may come around because I don’t really see him working in another promotion.  Something about Lana and Rusev comes off distinctly WWE.  I don’t see the likes of them at AEW or New Japan.  They would have to repackage themselves completely and I don’t see that happening.  I think they enjoy being Lana and Rusev a little too much. 

The other roster member that seems more likely than not to seek greener pastures is Matt Hardy, it’s hard to say about Jeff.   In this case, I wouldn’t be surprised if both the Hardys jump ship.  They are simply stuck in the year 2000 and that seems to work fine with AEW.  Besides, the fans would love them and they could do whatever wacky, buzzed shit they want to do.  I doubt their higher ups will complain.  It’s unfortunate that a more cohesive collaboration couldn’t be forged with the WWE but it appears that this faction simply has different agendas and I don’t see where they converge.   They could figure something out just ‘cause they’re getting on in years but that’s one I’m not holding out for.

In any case, going back to tonight’s RAW.  We’ll see if they keep the whole thing interesting.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Like/Favorites well, what the plan is should start to become a little clearer tonight so, let’s see if we start to see the picture.  Don’t get too pissy unless they completely drop the ball.   Remember, any genius you come up with gets Liked and retweeted.  Allow yourself to become inspired.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
