RAW Sees SmackDown. So, Who's the "A" Show?...

Happy Labor Day, Enthusiasts!

How is everyone doing?  So, what’s going on in the WWE Universe?  Well, news-wise it’s pretty quiet.  People are still digesting the information of WWE banning 3rd party interactions via social media.  A lot of the roster has something going on the side so, it’s looking like some sort of compromise may be reached.  The rules and regulations are still being hashed out.

As for tonight’s RAW, it’s hard to say what we can expect.  Information is limited outside of Randy Orton stalking the halls.  Yet, looking at the Twitter feed, it could be a fun night.  Last week’s SmackDown was surprisingly coherent so it’s nice to see that WWE Creative is trying to make sense of all this.  Many would say that should have been the case years ago but as we can see, it took some real shit going down for them to stop and take a look under the hood.  We’ll have to keep tuning in to see if the improvements maintain.  That errant “3rd show” hasn’t turned up for a few shows now.  As I’ve said recently, WWE appears to be trying to fix all the longstanding problems.  I suppose we should be glad.   It would be nice to take some pride in this cultish past-time.

In any case, I don’t have much to report.  That’s the downside of WWE getting their shit together, less for me to bitch about.  In the meantime, funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, well let’s see what you got.  If you hit the mark, you’ll be Liked and retweeted for the whole world to see.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)

