So, I Guess SmackDown's the "A" Show Now. It Escorts Us to Clash of Champions...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!

How are you doing?  Well, the WWE has gotten themselves into one of their pickles.  RAW was seriously panned this week.  Ratings-wise, it was one of the lowest ranking.  Personally, I feel we’ve sat through worse but what I think got everyone’s goat was the attempt at formulating a story, which isn’t a good sign.  It comes off as if WWE tried to present a better show and failed miserably.  I have to say, there’s been a lot less chatter on social media.  WWE is definitely losing face.  Hard to say what they’ll do about it too. 

Well, I’m here more for my mental health so, they won’t scare me off so easily.  I use it as an outlet for my aggressive inclinations.  It’s better than getting arrested.  I also enjoy talking shit and there’s always been plenty to work with so, I’m fine.  Wouldn’t mind better product, though.  I think I’ve made myself quite clear on that.

In any case, SmackDown is now the de facto “A” show which is not an uncommon thing.  Last week’s was quite palatable.  The only bit I was concerned with was Alexa Bliss.  I told her to be careful.  Bray Wyatt has to be very mindful here because this gimmick could be construed as cover for his personal inclinations.  Word is out on how he is estranged from his wife and currently involved with JoJo the young, former WWE reporter.  Bliss could certainly come off like his next “victim” the way she’s getting “infiltrated”.  It implies that there’s an intimate connection.  It also makes it seem unlikely a man would be affected.  WWE tends to be subversive about LGBTQ content.  Not sure they would go there, to be honest.  That’s probably why they used the Wyatt Family history with Braun Strowman but how would any new opponent get caught up?  There are ways out of this possible corner but let’s see what WWE does first.  It’s clear they have bigger problems at the moment.

So, for tonight’s SmackDown they have the final Go Home Show duties before Clash of Champions.  One person we know not to expect is Naomi.  Poor thing had to go to the hospital for an emergency surgery.  She’ll be recovering for a while.  Hopefully, she’ll flesh out a new angle for herself during the downtime.  It’s looking more and more like that’s what you got to do.   Getting back to tonight, we’ll see what Otis does in his little dilemma.  His run in with The Miz got him served with a “lawsuit”.  Yet, these legal troubles will go away if he just forks over the Money in the Bank briefcase.  Jeff Hardy and Sami Zayn will give us some free action before the big show.  Lacey Evans is going have a go at Alexa Bliss and Roman Reigns will sit down for an interview.  Let’s see if SmackDown gives everyone a reason to keep watching.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites well, it’s definitely one of those, “let’s see what we get”, weeks.  The problems are glaring.  It looks like pretty soon, they’ll have to schedule that “surgery”.  The “Band-Aids” are just not doing it. 



See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)

PS: For those of you curious about who Melina is, feel free to check out my latest article.  She’s got the skill but does she have the game plan?
