Can SmackDown Keep Up the Good Work? Let's Hope So...

How’s Everyone Doing This Friday?

You all hanging in there? Keep your chins up. This is one those times when it’s best to persevere. Well, there are some rumblings in the wrestling world but only a couple things caught my interest. Let’s get right into it, shall we.

So, Paige is getting a lot of press as she has bared her true feelings on how WWE is commandeering everyone’s third party accounts. Paige has made it clear that her Twitch channel has been therapeutic in helping her deal with not being able to wrestle. She feels wronged in this matter. Can’t really blame her. She’s just trying to keep herself sane. Well, she’s free to take my idea of joining up with Mustafa Ali. Looking at what they’re doing with RETRIBUTION, it’s no worse an idea than what's already in play. They could establish a presence that could outlast their careers. Couldn’t hurt to try. There is the off chance they could be ahead of us for once and this could possibly be a work…what, expecting too much from them?

In other news, NXT’s Halloween Havoc enabled them to win the little “ratings war” with AEW this week. It’s not a big deal but I’m sure NXT is proud of themselves. I watch AEW every now and then just to compare and contrast and it still comes off very second rate to me. I appreciate that the wrestlers are invested and are doing their best but the presentation lacks a lot of polish. This is the main reason I feel Jon Moxley seems so out of place. He’s simply too good for ‘em. But I know there’s more to finding satisfaction than just earning a big paycheck. As long as he’s happy there, I won’t complain. 

In any case, let’s refocus on tonight’s SmackDown action. RAW wasn’t the best but it has been worse so at least they are trying out there. SmackDown has to see if it can maintain its redemptive qualities. Last week’s was great. Let’s hope they don’t try too hard to follow themselves up. There appears to be a few Survivor Series qualifying matches set for tonight. And Jey Uso is supposed to face his consequences for his “familial insubordination”. All I hope for there is that whatever it is, isn’t ridiculous. I commend Roman Reigns and Jey Uso for trying to establish this story but I’m afraid for them if WWE intends to keep this a running storyline. I just feel that from this current angle, it simply taxes their acting skills. Guys like this have to focus on staying in their lane if they don’t want to get eye-rolls. The fact that Jey has to “face consequences” already has me going, “Please…” Hopefully, they pull this back into believable territory. Save themselves from having to do it later anyway. Yeah, yeah, I know potential match with The Rock at WrestleMania but I don’t think that’s a good idea just yet. Maybe in 2-3 years but to pull the trigger on it now is gonna be a waste of time. Let’s just see if WWE can establish a steady baseline first. Funny tweets get retweeted and for Likes well, we shouldn’t be disappointed this evening but that doesn’t mean we won’t be. Stay nice and shrewd. We gotta make it clear when they’re veering off course. If they start to, say something. Simple as that.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
