RAW Ushers Us to Elimination Chamber...

Hello Enthusiasts! Happy Monday.


For many of you, you’re enjoying President’s Day and for many of you, it’s just another day. No shame in it. It’s just the times. Well, there’s some news floating around in the wrestling world. Let’s see what’s worth chatting about.


What caught my attention is that Cody Rhodes is open to collaboration with WWE. I have said how I’d love to see AEW storm WWE during Survivor Series someday. It has “Next Level” written all over it. Yet, I’m in agreement that neither one is there yet but I do think the possibility becomes more valid in the next 3-5 years. If everyone just keeps striving for the best, we could have some tantalizing showdowns and face-offs in the future. The key will be keeping them sparse, maybe 3-4 times a year. The last thing you want to do is overplay an angle like that. You want to keep it special. It becomes less so if it’s every PPV but hit the big ones, and that may just get more eyes on the spectacle. I’m all for it.


You don’t need me to tell you that NXT Takeover was last night and I caught the end of it. I suspected that there may be some implications with Finn Balor seeing how we’re going into WrestleMania season. It was a good match between him and Pete Dunne though I doubt it’d be appreciated on a WWE stage. Yet, I do hope that Balor returns to WWE soon mainly because if they do him right this time around, it should prolong his career. Though Dunne is more or less his size, we know Balor can’t take that many hits. The Dæmon Persona would protect him if portrayed effectively. He’d have to become the master of the head trip, psyching out would-be opponents before or during the match, making squashes believable whether he’s in full make-up or not. And remember, the full reveal would have to also be used sparingly and that stunning reveal would have to be fleshed out. They nail this, and Balor becomes what he should have been in the first place. I’m all for that as well. I see the potential. He should be given the shot but he’s gonna have to put his back into it. No fucking around. If he’s Balor, then he’s gonna have be to the embodiment of Balor. No small task.


There are some other rumors circulating regarding Elimination Chamber and with tonight being the RAW Go Home Show, that’s not surprising. Yet, I’m not sure it’s worth noting. I’m fine with dust getting kicked up though. Buzz should be generated and this is a good time to experiment. We should have fans in attendance by the end of the year, might as well get back in the habit of giving them reasons to put their vaccinated behinds in seats. Right now, we’re just seeing if WWE can make it all interesting and still keep the long-range goal of WrestleMania in mind.


Speaking of tonight, there is a Gauntlet Match slated with Jeff Hardy, Drew McIntyre, The Miz, Randy Orton, Sheamus and AJ Styles to see whose pod will open last for the Elimination Chamber. Winner takes on Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship. This is an interesting set-up because it leaves the chance for whoever wins to hold 2 belts. So, it’s looking like Roman Reigns may be a double title holder soon, given how the game is kinda rigged. That could be juicy. Everyone would actually have a good reason to “hate” him. Not a bad place to be going into WrestleMania. The SmackDown fellows will battle at Elimination Chamber for first dibs for #1 Contender. So, in whatever case, the titles will be up for grabs again at FastLane, I’m thinking. This could get interesting. Let’s see what they do with it. Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes, well it is Go Home week. These shows need to get us excited but not too excited. It’s a slow build to WrestleMania so, let’s see if they hold our interest. Let them have it if they fall short. They should know better by now.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
