SmackDown Opts for Low & Slow Before Summer Slam...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts. It couldn’t have come sooner. Soooooooo…. There’s some chatter today, isn’t there. Let’s get into it, shall we? Well, I took a gander at what Mr. Vince McMahon said during the what? Quarterly investor call? Not being that concerned with AEW doesn’t surprise me one bit. It’s too new to worry about. The question is will it last. Like I said recently, we’ll see if they make it to year 5. Not that I think they won’t, it’s just that’s the thing about these sorts of things. Lucha Underground was mad promising but they couldn’t make a profit. Will AEW suffer a similar fate? We shall see. Regardless, we know that Tony Khan took some “offense” basically saying that WWE’s only real competition is sleep. Coming on so late and being so “bad” I guess, given RAW mostly. I say this, this way because as you know, kayfabery is always in effect but I wouldn’t be surprised if this stuff is more off the cuff. If I were Khan, I’d ...