RAW Performs the Ceremonial SummerSlam Fallout...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?


So, a little spent, are we? Yeah, I know most of you are drained from CM Punk’s return. I just kind of had my fill of wrasslin’. Not for forever, it’s like being full at a buffet. It’s like there’s plenty more and I’m just stuffed. And now, I’m trying to make room for RAW. Some may come back up 😉


Before I get to that, let’s go over SummerSlam for a minute. A lot of people didn’t like it. They loved Becky Lynch’s return, hated Bianca BelAir’s squash. No one minded Brock Lesnar showing up. People thought Goldberg’s match was a waste of time. Edge and Seth Rollins delivered but everything else got yawns. Doesn’t bode well for RAW’s ratings.


I’ll say this. It wasn’t the greatest PPV but they have definitely presented worse but as for the year, SummerSlam was the lamest one thus far. Yet, in saying that, there were only 2 bad matches: Goldberg vs. Bobby Lashley and Jinder Mahal vs. Drew McIntyre. Everything else was decently executed but not very inspired which tends to be the corporate conundrum. When the prime directive is making money how do you “put your heart into it?” That’s the WWE question currently. It always was but people showed up anyway, now the threat of losing the audience is very real.


On the other hand, however, WWE will never be the heartfelt home that some wrestlers wish they could have. There’s nothing wrong with AEW providing a kinder, gentler brand to work for but part of the draw for WWE fans is its rough and tumble nature. It doesn’t want blood so much as an honest tussle. We’re shit-talkers and wanna-be ass-kickers.


AEW is catering to pro-wrestling fans and I admit I’ve never been one. I like WWE. Not because it’s shitty but because it’s a fun place when they get it right. Unfortunately, getting it right has been tough for them of late because they’re too exposed. People know it’s all scripted so they’re trying to guess the script and in doing so, question where it really goes. That’s kinda what Triple H was getting at. Fans can spoil it for themselves, mainly by getting their hopes up. I understand, I used to do the same thing. What you have to understand is that you shouldn’t expect too much. It’s not that they aren’t capable of great things but they need to find a new stride. These real issues cropping up and needing attention are how it’s going to get done. As we can see, they’re restructuring. People keep talking sale but I think it’s just what it looks like, restructuring and it’s about damn time. So, with that in mind think of WWE as under construction. We won’t know what the end product will look like for another year or 2.


Given that, AEW is in a prime position to run out in front as WWE crafts its new image. They probably will, but the question will then become longevity. Can AEW last? Say what you will, WWE has been in business for at least 50 years. AEW hasn’t made it to year 5 yet. I don’t doubt it can but that’s one of the things to watch. With WWE unloading, AEW may try to scoop up what they can but will they find themselves leaving wrestlers at home and in catering as they struggle to find things for them to do? We have to wait and see.


Anyway, my final points on SummerSlam are that they could have done a lot better but from where I’m looking, they’re hanging back and taking notes or they should be. As for match of the night for me, don’t get me wrong, I loved how Uncle Edge just beat Seth Rollins’ head into the mat for the win but I have to favor the main event because of all the progress Roman Reigns has made. 7 years ago I began this very blog on a rant of how horrible he was and now look at him. It took 7 years but he finally got somewhere respectable performance-wise. And like I said recently, it’s a wonder he got there at all. Now that we’ve witnessed more of how WWE operates, he wasn’t getting much help. He had to figure it out and he did. It’s commendable no matter how you feel about him.


This is not a common sight in the WWE yet the process is quite telling. You could say it’s at the center of the WWE’s current problems. If you couldn’t sell Roman Reigns from the get-go, it’s a wonder they ever sold anything at all. That misstep all those years ago was stunning proof of how much WWE wasn’t working. WWE appeared not to care because there was no competition. Now that there is, WWE has to clean up its long-time shoddy act. That’s what all my years of jibber-jabbering have been all about. WWE has sucked for a long time. It has. It would have its moments but it hasn’t been a consistent product for many, many years. Let’s not act like it was ever really the case. They may have had better numbers in the past and it may have seemed more awesome but we all know the bulk of the Attitude Era wouldn’t fly today. I think WWE has to do something it’s been avoiding for a long time. It’s actually got to figure itself out. It can’t just hope for charismatic wrestlers. It has to have a formula that works for people like Cesaro who are solid technicians but not the most captivating personality. Those with the charisma need to make sure they nail it in the ring too. Then they need a format/structure that allows everyone to play together week in and week out without having to put too much thought into it all. If someone’s actually thinking about it, that should be in part what this restructuring is all about. I don’t know what’s on the other side. All I know is that they need to be thinking about it if they want to remain relevant.


Social media was very blunt this time around. CM Punk has fans thinking about it. Not sure if that’s something WWE likes. It tends to look like they like their fans nice and dumb or too young to understand. Again, if they don’t get in front of this, they’ll be hoping for airtime on NBCSN if NBC even wants to continue their deal. They can make a strong case that they’re getting shafted with all these “changes”.


In the meantime, those who haven’t lost their patience with WWE will tune in for the traditional fallout show that typically follows any PPV. RAW will try to account for what transpired for SummerSlam. Bobby Lashley will probably see who’s next to challenge for the Title. Charlotte will gloat that the Women’s Title is where it ought to be. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal get a do-over. I wouldn’t want that match on my record if I were them. We’ll see if they make an effort to save face. Funny tweets and Likes get retweeted. As for the show, clear your mind and simply accept what you’re shown. You don’t have to like it. Just take in what they show you. Trust me, it’s not worth losing your sanity trying to understand. Simply take note of what they do. You will respond to it how you respond to it. Just leave it at that.



See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
