RAW Attempts to Keep It Interesting Ahead of Crown Jewel....
How Are You Doing, Enthusiasts?
We don’t have a lot to chat about today. A lot of what’s going around I’ve
already talked about but there are some things we can touch on. Let’s get to
it, shall we?
Well, let’s start with the bad news. Kevin Nash has suffered the loss of
his son, Tristen. The story is tragic. The poor man was suffering from alcoholism
to such an extent that in an attempt to go “cold turkey” and simply stop
drinking alcohol resulted in a withdrawal induced seizure which led to cardiac
arrest. That is unfortunate because that means Nash’s son was a heavy drinker.
It’s even more tragic that he was trying to correct his path. My sincere
condolences to the family.
In lighter news, both AEW and WWE took ratings hits on Friday. With Baseball
in post season, there is more “important” sports entertainment going on. As you
probably noticed, I managed to catch up with SmackDown on Saturday and I
may be doing that for a time. Though this next week has the World Series so I
don’t know where SmackDown will
be playing yet, I will do my best to keep up regardless.
In random news, Adam Pearce continues to lowkey draw attention to himself by
“Rick Rolling”. For those you who are uninformed, Rick Rolling is a cheeky homage
to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” song. From what I can gather, one
simply refers to it in response or social media post. I’m not sure why he’s
doing this. I don’t know if he’s recovering from something or just making the
most of down time but there that is.
So, that kinda brings us to tonight’s RAW. There’s not much advertised.
Bianca Belair and Bayley will throwdown again for bragging rights but outside
of that you have to show up and watch. What spoilers I’ve caught are
promising. And I haven’t seen too many complaints so, so far so good. I’ll be
showing up on West Coast time so, if you find yourself with some time to kill,
feel free to play along. Funny tweets get retweeted and really good ones get
retweeted and Liked. Give it a try. See if you can make a notable funny tonight.
See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
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