Survivor Series / War Games 2024 - Matches of Interest...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? It’s another Survivor Series and I have to say I’m a little more excited than in previous years. The card is looking good and there’s good hype/momentum going in. It’s been a while since there’s been proper set up. It’s all very promising. Never would have thought to see it in my lifetime. Was sure I’d be talking shit forever. In any case, it’s a short card so here are the matches I’ll be especially looking forward to. So, we’ll start with the Ladies’ War Game because they’ve been stirring it up for the past couple weeks. They’re all very capable women so I can’t even begin to speak on who may win. I get the feeling it won’t exactly be clean but I’m anticipating some wiliness. Someone will be caught out and a technicality exploited. I don’t really care how or who as long as it’s entertaining so all the Ladies really have to do is watch against trying too hard. I think if they just go out and have fun, they’ll have a respectable evening. Next match of i...