Royal Rumble 2025

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?


It’s the Rumble and this one feels different. With John Cena’s farewell tour well underway, we can’t help but expect WWE to pull out some stops. That said, all we really care about are the rumbles this year. Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, the Motor City Machine Guns and DIY have their work cut out for them. I get the feeling if people could fast forward, they would. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people wait until it replays just to be able to do that.


My Saturday is set aside for this so, I’ll be watching live but I won’t lie and say I’m not like everyone else. I’m very curious about the rumbles so here’s who I’m hoping to see.


For the Ladies, I’m anticipating them opening. I hope they keep to a traditional format this time around. Just given all the potential, I wouldn’t want to leave much to experiment. These are the times to be most by the book. They can be creative about how they do it but I’m sensing it’s a time to demonstrate why things are done.


Anyway, for the Ladies I’m like most and would like to see AJ Lee, if only for the guest appearance. She’s still popular and she managed to make it work when the product was shit so she’s one of the true warriors. It’d be nice to see how she’d do in the Triple H. Era.


There’s plenty of anticipation for Becky Lynch but I’m not worried about her. Some feel Alexa Bliss may be a real surprise making all the contract talk dis-information. I wouldn’t mind seeing Lana/C.J. Perry back but only if it implies Rusev is a surprise return too. Now, that they see how the game really works, let’s see if they’re more willing to play. That would be nice to see.


When it comes to the men, it’s no surprise I’m rooting for the return of Aleister Malakai Black. I feel slightly vindicated as I thought it would be best to have Black subtly headline SmackDown while Roman Reigns should be more RAW fare just by the optics alone.


Reigns, for all intents and purposes, serves the jock population. Generally speaking, you don’t expect guys like that to be hanging out at home on a Friday night and if they are, they’re probably with their WaGS. So, you might as well have Reigns on Mondays ‘cause the jocks are more likely to be at home watching. Leave the more intellectual (aka nerdy) fare to Fridays where the likes of an Aleister Black can thrive.


Those most likely to understand and relate are probably sitting at home, hoping to be entertained. I thought it would work on demographics alone.


Letting Black go to AEW just reinforced the fact he should have never left in my mind. They didn’t have the vision or production values that gives Black the platform I feel he deserves. I like where he takes it. You can sink your teeth into stuff like that. Makes tuning in more worth it. That makes this whole era so interesting. It’s reaching places I never thought it could go and it’s exciting. I never thought I’d see the day.  We’ll see if we have to wait.


Other than that…Big E would be nice. Of course, he’d have to be cleared and that would be the lovely surprise but at the same time, I’m not heartbroken if it doesn’t happen. Baron Corbin wouldn’t be bad either. I suppose stranger things have happened but I’m thinking more from a “dream list”. If I could bring them back to life, sort of thing. So, if we’re really getting crazy, Daniel Bryan would break people’s brains.


I think he’s still technically under contract with AEW but if that was any way code for free agency then I’d exploit the window if he’s able. I’m probably too wishful ‘cause of the whole neck thing but it’d be great. I’d probably pass out.


As I said earlier, Rusev would be an awesome return as would Dolph Ziggler/Nic Nemeth. I heard he’d be around for some NXT/TNA crossover so, it’s nice I might see more of him around. I feel better about letting him go if some merger was the endgame all along. Then he’s just scouting. And gets some more attention.


He’s great but the WWE Universe is how it is. It likes the big ones. We have to see how it’s a problem, not so much witness. Though, we can respect the truth…doesn’t mean we want to indulge in it. Even though we love Daniel Bryan we often wonder how he just doesn’t get stuffed. If no one was looking, more than likely that happens. Those are the real hurdles out there.


But I digress. I’m expecting Cena to bust out at some point. The Rock may make a “last minute” decision to join the party but I’m just hoping this is a lot of fun. I’m not going to hope for too much but I think the “big deal” energy needs to be attained this time around. I don’t know if it’s because it’s 2025 or if Cena’s retiring but there’s a sense that this one has to go hard and big. It’s hard to articulate. Like the gloves are off, kinda thing. No more bullshit. No more holding back. There’s a “we’re going for it…” kinda energy in the air. I say do it. Why not? What else is there to do but go for “it”? So, I say the aim for 12 on the amplifier this year. Blow it out! Just go out and have a blast! I think if everyone hits that mark, this could be a good omen for the rest of the year.


So, I’ll leave it at that. The work has been good of late so if they just keep to that standard, we shouldn’t be disappointed. I’ll be fine if none of my dreams come true. As long as it works and is well-executed, I won’t complain.


Unofficial watch party is at 3pm PST. Let’s see if I’m reading this right.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)



