I'll Get Some PAYBACK, How About You?...

What's Up, Enthusiasts!

The lot of us should be gearing up for Payback and as I stated in my last post, I'm quite curious as to what will transpire but I'm not at all invested in any of the outcomes.  I think that's a safe way to go about it.  For the main event I'm guessing Seth Rollins retains or it goes to Randy Orton or Dean Ambrose.  I wouldn't bank on Roman Reigns just yet.  I get the feeling 2016 will be his year.  Nevertheless, don't really care how it all shakes out, just that I have a good time watching it all go down.  I'll be live tweeting so feel free to chime in.  Funny tweets will get retweeted and that Favorite, well that's just something I don't want to rush (^_~)

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
