RAW Is Ready to Go!

Good Evening, Enthusiasts!

I hope things are going splendidly for you.  So, we come to another Monday where speculation and gossip seem to reign today.  Word has it that Neville may be in the process of being forced to wait his contract out before being released by the WWE.  Personally, I was hoping like the dickens this whole thing is a work because I thought the idea of Neville being shattered by having to see the Cruiserweight title on Enzo Amore was an awesome angle that could have led to a lot of fun exchanges and also display Neville as a more comic Heel as opposed to just mean and nasty.  In my opinion, he played better as a Face but you know they pull the trigger on that sort of stuff at will all the time.

In any case, it looks like The Miz is headlining RAW tonight so…I don’t know what that means.  I’ll give The Miz his due and say that he’s made his gimmick work but…I’m gonna have to say that’s about it.  I’m not really raring to see him in a match and I can always miss MizTV.  Yet, Brock “Gun Jack” Lesnar is also set to make an appearance and I guess we’ll be picking up where we left off with everyone else or heading in a different direction entirely.  Don’t ya love life in the WWE Universe 😉 Funny tweets get retweeted and Likes/Favorites all depend on you.  Use your noodle.

See You in a Bit, 
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
