And Then There Was RAW...

Happy Monday, Enthusiasts!

Tonight, we will celebrate all that is RAW for 25 years ago was its inception.  I was around but I certainly wasn’t watching.  That didn’t happen until a few years later when I made it to high school.  Has it made an impression?  For me, more on the Human Psyche than anything else.  Don't get me wrong, I lost my mind many a time during the Attitude Era but, we must admit that its longevity speaks to some aspect of human nature.  Though we are to praise RAW this night, we have to admit there were a lot of crappy episodes and yet we watched and still watch.  The phenomenon, whether good or bad, carries on like the mail.  Rain or shine, sleet or snow, RAW delivers.  You may not always like it, but it's there, as scheduled every time.   You grow to accept it, regardless of its iteration.  That is the mark of a successful institution.

And so, we will honor this success and hopefully wallow in the awesome spectacle that is and has been RAW.  Since there will be a host of WWE SuperStars, both old and new, it’s hard to say how exactly this night will play out.  There is a title match scheduled between The Miz and Roman Reigns, though.  Hard to say which way it goes.  Reigns has managed to retain the Intercontinental Title but with the Royal Rumble coming up and this technically being the Go-Home show, it’s anybody’s guess what Reigns’ status will be going into Sunday.  He could retain and stick to another rematch at the Rumble.  He could lose which leaves him open to enter the Rumble and potentially rematch the same night or the following Monday.  No one will really care too much about the outcome for The Miz, he can come or go but how Reigns comes out of this night will have everyone speculating.  We’ll see what they do.  Funny tweets get retweeted and Likes/Favorites will depend on who’s quick with it tonight.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
