RAW Puts SmackDown to Work...
A Good Friday to You, Enthusiasts! I hope this is the start of a great weekend for you. The Super Bowl should have plenty of you excited. As for me, I’ve never liked football but I don’t mind watching the spectacle of the final game. Besides, the Halftime Show tends to be entertaining at least. Anyway, as for the WWE Universe, well SmackDown actually has to keep pace again this week as RAW closed on a strong note as we get word that Edge is back for now and to welcome him, his former partner in crime, Randy Orton gave him a Heel Hazing by threatening to re-injure our returned hero’s neck. This was a masterful bit of heel-itude as the crowd whether it believed it or not, ardently played along. Some guy was shouting, “Don’t you do it, Randy! Don’t you do it!...” close to one of the cameras. It was great! It’s as if the WWE is giving us a refresher course in itself which wouldn’t be a bad thing. Many would say...