So, It's All About TLC Now. RAW Says, Follow Them!

How’s Everyone Doing this Monday? Good? Hanging in there? Well, do your best. As They say, there’s no sense worrying over that which is not under your control. Do what you can and leave it at that. Same mostly goes for the WWE Universe. We just sit back and see who makes the most of nothing. Well, Braun Strowman will be sitting out for a time so he has time to think. There were reports he was injured floating around and now it appears that there may be some truth to it. The word is that it’s a knee issue. Hopefully, he can take this time to really marinate on what to do with himself in WWE. He shouldn’t expect much from the creative department. More than likely, they’re just contemplating ways to make him Big Show II. It’ll be up to him to develop what “Braun Strowman” is all about. Outside of that, a lot of the interesting information circulates around tonight’s RAW . Looks like COVID will not interrupt the year’s end and TLC will go on per usual. So, t...