Wowzers....So, TLC....

A Merry Sunday to You, Enthusiasts.


My, this is an interesting time in the WWE Universe. For those of you wishing that an overhaul would someday come, the time may be soon. As I deduced, WWE is getting its ass handed to them in the boardroom and they now have no choice but to up their game or get written off as a joke. Never thought the day would come but, when you look at the content, I’m sure many aren’t sure why it didn’t happen sooner. Well, if you ask me…they didn’t think it was that bad. Numbers don’t lie.


So, what does all this mean for TLC? Well, we’ll still have to see. Given their attempt to make 2020 a Cartoon Heel, it’s hard to say how the creative department thinks. I would say they think the audience is predominantly under 13. So not true, this could be what’s at the core of the issue. Creative doesn’t know how to cater to its audience. Again, what’s the point of them? Wrestlers should view this as an opening. They definitely need to start pitching their own ideas. Now, will we see that tomorrow, probably not but starting on RAW, I sure as hell hope so. Who’s driving, may not know how. Doesn’t make getting anywhere all that promising.


That doesn’t mean all is lost, however. There is a way but they’re going to have to be more open to find it. In the meantime, let’s see what happens. So, back to TLC. I’m not going to rundown every match but here are the ones I’m most curious about.


I’m not worried about the Ladies. They’ve proven they can handle themselves. But the match between Carmella and Sasha Banks could be very interesting. Carmella is a good wrestler and she may be taking her shot. I don’t mind her taking the title, I just don’t know if it will be here. It could be because she’s been looking “strong” on TV but you know how it goes. I think whether she wins or not will be more of an indication of her ability to pitch herself outside the ring. You got to sell yourself in this business and if she’s got a plan, we may just see a title change tonight.


Another match of interest is of course the le Match de Film in Bray Wyatt/The Fiend vs. Randy Orton. I didn’t care for this the first time around and RAW made this look comical so, I don’t know what to expect here. They may switch it up and just let ‘em wrestle with the recent feedback. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s already in the can but we’ll see if we get to see it. Don’t really care who wins and I am rooting for them, don’t get me wrong. Thinking outside the box is necessary, just not sure they’re going anywhere valid. We will see what happens.


Drew McIntyre and AJ Styles have the next match of interest. This could be amusing because it’s a different take on the David vs. Goliath match. Styles, in a way, is the favorite because he’s a more respected wrestler despite his stature. So, it’s hard to say. Guess it depends on what the plan is for McIntyre. I’m not sure if he’s being pushed or pushing himself. If it’s the latter I’m not sure he’s ready. The potential is certainly there but I don’t know…not sure where is head is at. He may think he’s better than he is. The cool thing about that is that makes for a great “psychopath”. We’ll see if they let him keep trying.


Then that leaves Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens. Well, this seems like an open and shut case. That’s why it’s imperative for them to figure out how to make it more complex. This one should have some decent twists and turns before it comes to what could be a foregone conclusion. The intrigue comes in how enthralling they make it. That’s what comes with leading the charge. What we should be looking for here is how compelling a “ring tale” they tell. As usual, keep your expectations low but you never know, we could get pleasantly surprised. Leave them the room to do it. So far, they are on the right path. To be honest, I didn’t expect this much. So, let these be little glimmers of hope. I project Reigns will win but I’m sure Owens will be protected. He gets it. He knows what’s up.


So, there you have it. We see how Necessity bears an Invention. I wouldn’t say WWE is circling the drain but you know they don’t want their numbers anywhere close to AEW’s. Well, they can’t seem too much like they’re for AEW’s demographic’s little brother. Yet, at the same time there should be a universal acceptability. I get that. You should be able to watch it with your grandmother. She may be tougher than most, but she’s not offended. They need to err on the side maturity. Better to be AEW’s parents than children. They have to start getting witty and cheeky. AEW is certainly juvenile but in a teenage/college sort of way. WWE is just childish sometimes. Those kids are probably in bed or not paying attention anyway. They’re going to have to smarten up. Let’s see who comes up with it. Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes, well these are some interesting times. Sometimes a person has to hit bottom to realize one has to change. Could WWE be facing a similar crossroads? Let’s see how TLC goes first. Don’t be kind and don’t be cruel. Call it like you see it.



See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)

