SmackDown Gears Us Up for the Final Push...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!


I hope you all are doing well. So, there’s a bit to talk about at the end of the week, isn’t there. Let’s not dally and get right to it.


The first blip on the radar is the return of Jon Moxley. Fitting how he returns just as Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins prepare to do battle at the Royal Rumble. One thing that is for sure is that the enigma that was The Shield is still alive and well. Reports have already shot down Moxley making an appearance for the Rumble, but his first match back is scheduled for tonight’s Rampage. I’m not sure what to think or feel just yet. We’ll see how the fresh and clean version of Mox works out. Not that I think anyone needs to be on the sauce but people like the We don’t often care for “sanitizing” or “cleaning up” the rough and tumble types. That rough edge tends to be what makes that sort of performer interesting. Mox showed us that he’ll always be able to rock a mic but how has it affected the action in the squared circle. Only time will tell. I honestly hope the best is yet to come.


The next bit of news regards Mustafa Ali. WWE has denied his release request and Ali has gone cryptic on social media. Oi, I don’t know what to make of this. At a glance, it looks like he tried to quit but WWE would rather fire him. I don’t really think WWE should try to incur this sort of bad press. Their business practices are looking a bit suspect at the moment and a dispute such as this doesn’t help anything. A part of me hopes this is some sort of experimental work. Does Ali become the political champion of the underappreciated wrestler and/or sports entertainer? Yet, if this is all real, then Ali is teetering on Colin Kaepernick territory. Yet, the cause isn’t the disenfranchised but for one’s creativity in the WWE Universe. I’m not sure this is a sword he wants to fall on. I think the most realistic option is an experiment. If I had the clout in WWE, I would give Ali the rest of the year to develop a storyline for himself and others. Play it out with minimal interference from Creative and Management and see how it goes. If Ali strikes gold, he earns the opportunity to renegotiate his contract. If it sinks, well, he can have his release.


I feel that it’s best to be fair going forward. WWE has enough of its own mess to clean up. No sense piling on more problems to clear out. Also, I think both parties have a point they're trying to prove. The fair experiment allows them to either demonstrate it or disprove it without ego getting too much in the way. This is not something that should deteriorate into pettiness. If WWE is not going to use him, they should cut him loose. Yet, if they do use him, he should get a clean shot at say the Intercontinental Title or something and show us what he's got. Let’s get to the meat of this matter and have done.


Some other WWE news is the name change of Walter. He’s now Gunther, for the most part. Gunther Stark originally but that is the name of a lesser-known Nazi general if I heard things right. WWE has walked it back to Gunther, but we’ll see if it sticks. I knew who Walter/Gunther was. I just thought he’d need to get into shape. I know the old school wrestler archetype works in Britain but here in the states on the main roster he’d get ridiculed for the soft body. He looked like someone’s bruiser dad sticking to his bruiser roots. I can see him in a pub, no problem. Didn’t have a problem with the name either. Suited the model, so to speak. We’ll see how it all shakes out.


So, that brings us to tonight’s SmackDown. Not much is advertised. We’ll see Charlotte and Naomi continue to circle each other. And The Bloodline will pat itself on the back as they acknowledge Roman Reigns’ reign as Universal Champion. Besides that, we’ll have to show up and see. Funny tweets and Likes get retweeted. Next week we have the Go-Home show. Let’s see if SmackDown is forward thinking and sets the tone for next week’s RAW. That would be a start, an actual attempt to turn the tide. Let’s see what lands.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
