And Then, SmackDown Led Us to Survivor Series...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!

Hope its just as awesome as it can be.  So, lets  get right to it and look at the docket for tonight.  Theres not much advertised for SmackDown, actually but it being a Go-Home Show, we can expect there to be some excitement.  Im sure NXT will make itself known at some point.  And we cant forget the Ladies.  Theyre the only sure thing in this WWE Universe at the moment.  But today, I would like to discuss a little conjecture regarding Triple H, if I may.

Since whats advertised is what it is, let me take this time to expound on what Id love to see with this WWE Universe in the near future.  Outside some sort of tragedy (God forbid), we can all basically assume that one day, relatively soon, we shall bend the knee to Triple H as our Chairman and as I see Bayley as Our Arya Stark, I see Triple H as our Ned Stark.  The prevailing difference, he doesnt die.  I think a smart way for the WWE to proceed is to still follow a Game of Thrones structure but of course, tailor it to the WWE Universe.  So, with that stated, Triple H would be what could have been”, in a translated way.  Instead of not knowing how to play the Game as Ned Stark did, hell run it.  I think and I could be wrong, that there was a subtle allusion to this sort of approach with Hs appearance on this weeks RAW.  In attempting to sway Kevin Owens back to NXT for Survivor Series, the NXT cronies openly nix the idea in direct defiance of Triple H.  Given what we know of the WWE Universe, this is potentially juicy action because, what does that mean?!  Was H actually going to try and takeover on the Strength of NXT?  Become an usurper?  Well, not if NXT has anything to say about it.  They now challenge his rule!  So, where does that leave H?  Was he to turn his back on RAW and SmackDown?  As we all know, this is territory of the McMahons, basically Our Lannisters.  NXT was his so to speak but his tactics were not well-received.  Is NXT lost to him or does H switch sides and become/remain Hand to the reigning Chairman, Vince McMahon?  My true point is look how this basically writes itself with the Game of Thrones skeleton.  Suddenly, there is intrigue.  What will happen next?  The WWE might as well do themselves the favor.  I hope thats what this plot twist leads to but alas, we all know that it could very easily fall by the wayside.  If so, they better have content decent enough to counter. 

In any case, we can dream but in the meantime, lets see how they get us ready for this, here Survivor Series.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites lets be shrewd but not unyielding.  Its a Go-Home Show and SmackDown actually has to keep the party going.  RAW was surprisingly solid, short of a segment or 2 so, SmackDown cant slouch.  They got to bring it home, fittingly enough.  Lets see how close they get.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
