Are the Rules Really that Extreme?....

How’s Everyone Doing This Sunday?

Good I hope.  At least you’re in the mood for Extreme Rules.  Well, what I will say is that the WWE has been doing what they can with what they got.  Is all of it gold? No, of course not but I will give them that it’s been more coherent that I’ve ever seen it in recent years.  I can see that they are really trying out there and the talent is solid so again, the weak spots are in Creative.  They’re not always sure of how to best use everyone or put everything together.  All I can really suggest is that they all try to get back to basics, entertainment and wrestling.  To be honest, what we may have is a case of them trying too hard.  They have to work with what they got and then embellish what works, rework what doesn’t.  All the pieces are certainly there but they are still trying to make out the picture they’re going for.  They don’t have the cover of the box, kind of thing.  Or there are like 10 of them and they’re trying to see which one they have the pieces for.  This will be a process, Enthusiasts.  And with everything up in the air it may take some time.  Yet, don’t lament.  This new reality will force them to realize some truths and that may be the catalyst to the internal overhaul that this company has needed for some time.  Be patient.  They don’t want to suck.  Let them figure out how to not do that again.

In the meantime, we see how they attempt to hold our interest with this month’s PPV in Extreme Rules.  As usual, I won’t comment on all matches but here are the ones I’m most curious about.  I’m just going to give the Ladies a pass because they’ve been consistently holding their own so I’m fairly confident they’ll continue to not disappoint.  What could serve as a disappointment is this Eye for an Eye Match between Rey Mysterio and Seth Rollins.  This could go too far for all the wrong reasons so I hope they don’t actually try to make it seem like anyone loses an eye because again, we don’t really want to see that.  In a WWE Studios action movie maybe, but in the real time, that’s just stupid.   We’re not watching to see someone get maimed we’re watching because faux fisticuffs are fun or at least that’s why I show up.  My bloodlust is not on a Roman Empire level.  This is not Gladiator.  Here I’m just hoping Creative isn’t that dumb.  Not only would I not buy it but I would seriously have to reconsider my interest in this genre because I’d begin to think they think we’re that dumb and in that case I’m insulted.  We’ll see how they handle this whole thing.

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler’s match could be very interesting mainly due to all the talk about how Ziggler has been passed over in the past.  I was just as shocked as anyone when Ziggler busted out and proved he actually knew what he was doing.  I had no fucking idea.  I thought he was just fluff like his gimmick but nope, the guy can actually throw down, it’s just he’s smaller.  That’s all really.  He’s not that big of a dude so, against a guy like McIntyre, if he’s to have a true shot he’s either got to have a black belt in something or some smarts preferably both.  I don’t think Ziggler has any real martial arts training so, he’ll have to go with smarts if he’s going to believably pull this off.  I don’t mind McIntyre at all and since the rumor is that McIntyre might face Randy Orton for SummerSlam, I’m not upset if McIntyre wins but I don’t mind Ziggler either.  Let’s just see if they manage to make it a good match.  I think that’s all we’re really looking for here.

So, for me, that leaves the Bray Wyatt vs. Braun Strowman match.  I have to say I’ve been impressed with how Strowman has been working hard to measure up to this display.  He’s definitely been working with an acting coach to get his presentation down and I have to say I’m proud of him.  Didn’t expect so much from him and I’m happy he’s willing to try to measure up.  Edge coming back has certainly raised the bar and I’m glad it may be serving as an incentive to get the rest of the roster to up their games.  Cannot hurt.  Let’s hope all this hard work doesn’t go to waste.  This is the sort of evolution I’ve been waiting for when it comes to the WWE Universe. 

I’m fine with it becoming a live action movie/wrestling show.  Most of these guys may parlay their talents to the big or small screen anyway.  That does tend to be the next step so, why not develop material that they can put on their reels.  I know what this is.  I know why I watch.  I dig the action and the more polished it is the better.  The Expendables franchise could last forever if they get this right.  There’s a lot of potential here and I hope they explore and develop it.  The WWE could very well end up having the last laugh.  But that’s a ways off.  For now, let’s just see if Extreme Rules delivers.  Funny tweets will get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites well, don’t push for genius.  Relax and let it flow naturally.  If it’s a true gem, you’ll be rewarded.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
