Does SmackDown Remember the Fallout from Extreme Rules?...
How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?
This Friday treating you well? I’m using it as a personal care day, myself. You gotta treat yourself well from time to time. So anyway, on to what’s going on in the WWE Universe. Well, some very promising developments have apparently come to be as Edge and Daniel Bryan have signed on to help with the creative storylines concerning RAW and SmackDown respectively. This is almost too good to be true. Finally, they’re accepting facts and actually doing something about it. Consider this one of the upsides of the pandemic. The change in format and the limited roster inadvertently exposed the true issues. We already figured the problem was with Creative but when stripped down to its bare parts, it became obvious. They got a host of writers that don’t know how to write for the product. Tsk-tsk-tsk. Hopefully this added direction will get things on a better track. I’m optimistic but let’s not hold our breath. We have to see if they do wonders for others as well as themselves. Nevertheless, this is exciting. There is hope!
So, for tonight, we have to look forward
to another installment of MizTV as we contemplate whether Naomi deserves a true
title run. And we have the cringe-worthy
Bar Fight between Sheamus and Jeff Hardy.
I just hope they manage to have some fun with this. The whole thing was in poor taste from the
start but both are good workers. They
may just be able to make something of it.
As for Naomi’s push, well, I kinda put her and Natalya in the same boat
along with Cesaro. No doubt they can get
stuff done in the ring but for whatever reason, they’re simply not
popular. This may not be they’re fault
but at the same time, there may not be much they can do about this. The WWE Universe is immature at its
core. Perhaps it will evolve into a more
open-minded consensus but for whatever reason, people just don’t care about
these people, regardless of the good work they do. Again, think of high school. They may have to join a “club” to get any
notoriety or build a friend base. No one
notices them when they try to sit at the Cool Kids’ table. Unfortunately, there are no internal stables
to join. These are being created if MVP
is any indication so perhaps there is still hope in the future but booking and
storyline will definitely be key. It’s
also quite clear that we’re not fully accepting “Because we said so…” as an
answer for a lot of the content. They’ll
have to be presented in ways that make them engaging and dynamic for good or
ill. We’ll see if the creative changes
help them out. In the meantime, funny
tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, let’s just see what we get
first. Summer Slam is a ways away and
so, we’ll be wading through quite a bit of filler. Let’s see if they give us anything to work
with. Don’t hurt yourselves out there.
See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
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