RAW Does Double Duty for BackLash...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Everything in its right place? You know, for the most part? Well, it doesn’t have to be all sorted out. We can take a break and partake of some wrestling. There are some things to talk about. Again, my mind isn’t blown but it’s something to kick around. Let’s get into it. We’ll start in the Realm of AEW mainly to say, “Get well, soon…” to Darby Allin. Of all people, he gets hit by a bus. And still manages to see a show no less as well. So, we can officially say nothing to this guy. He may be 130lbs wet, but would you still be standing after getting hit by a bus? The man earns newfound respect no matter what you think of him. Let’s hope he fully recovers. In the WWE Universe, Drew McIntyre fans can breathe a bit easier as news broke, perhaps by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, that he signed a new deal. This, I feel, is the right thing. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not sure where else he works. He’s more of a performer than a wrest...