RAW Gasses Up 1 Last Time for the Final Leg to SummerSlam...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? It’s Go-Home week for Summer Slam. Looks like my relocation will take a little longer than anticipated so there’s a good chance I watch it in the old neighborhood. Kinda looking forward to it. Regardless, nothing earthshattering going on in the Wrestling World though parts of Southern California did experience a mild earthquake. Just another day in these parts. Let’s get into what’s circulating. AEW is contemplating rebranding ROH. It is there’s now so I guess there’s nothing wrong with making it official. However, purists may feel that some history is lost with an official changeover. I tend to be a traditionalist so, I don’t see any real benefit from a rebranding but if Tony Khan wants to do it, so shall it be. In the WWE Universe, there was some talk floating around about potentially bringing back Brock Lesnar. According to early reports, word was that a return is currently dependent on Lesnar but we all know it comes down...