All Right, It's Back to Business. RAW Sets a Course for BackLash...
Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts.
Did you have a good weekend? I did. My Sunday was especially lazy. Now, I’m ready to get back to it. So, we’re in limbo as we see what the WWE does to lead us into Backlash. It’s a slow news day, WWE-wise so this will be a brief post. The most going on appears to be the speculation of Drew Gulak’s status. He lost to Daniel Bryan on this past SmackDown and the rumors floating around lean toward Gulak being up for grabs. Apparently, Gulak didn’t read the signs and made the mistake of asking for more money during these uncertain times. I appreciate fellows like Gulak because they represent the tradition of actual wrestling. This skill is underrated in these times of pomp and circumstance so, gentlemen such as he have to work extra hard to get some recognition. Unfortunately for Gulak, the general public isn’t hungry for this sort of talent and so, we’ve made our peace with Bryan when it comes to that sort of thing. Not that there isn’t room for more it’s just, Gulak would have to prove he loves the game as much as Bryan and I just don’t see that in him. I could be wrong but he seems like a type who wants to get out there and do his job, not so much sell it and that doesn’t often fly in the WWE Universe. We are looking to be entertained. We’ll see if Gulak turns up elsewhere.
In any case, there’s not too much advertised for tonight. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross will have at The IIconics with the Tag Team Titles on the line. The Street Profits & Viking Raiders will again take time away from the ring to throw axes and Edge and Randy Orton will start the slow boil towards their rematch. We may have to settle for some edited recap but we’ll see. Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, we may get some fodder this week because there’s not much to offer. I appreciate how both RAW and SmackDown are making more TV sense but it may be at the expense of becoming formulaic. What the WWE must guard against is a sense of complacency. The beauty of this universe is its wackiness and sometimes silliness and that shouldn’t be left behind. Creativity is key to this industry’s survival. They need to allow the players to have fun and explore not just stick to the script. That’s the key to holding our interest. Allowing the WWE Universe and its inhabitants to interact and evolve naturally. Let’s see if they use this open space to get that right. Might as well. We may be without an audience until SummerSlam so, they better figure out how to hold our interest. Can’t afford to bore us to death.
You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
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