We Screech to a Halt at FastLane...

Happy Sunday, Enthusiasts!


May your Fastlane be merry and bright. So, this PPV may be more interesting than I thought. SmackDown had some twists and turns that I didn’t think it had in it so, that was promising. This may not be one of the best WrestleMania seasons but it is proving to be more compelling than usual.


That being said, I will stick to my usual PPV format by just commenting on the matches I find the most engaging. We’ll see who surprises later on tonight.


So, the first match I think may suddenly change people’s minds is Apollo Crews vs. Big E. I wasn’t sure what to think with Crews doing the Wakanda thing but after last night, it could be an intelligent strategy if carried out correctly. What I would do with it, is in the event Crews won, he’d drop the accent to prove that it was all an act just to trigger Big E. E, a known “Florida Man” did as they do and imploded on SmackDown. He destroyed Crews, of course but that could be the point. Florida Men often have hair triggers and Crews found E’s. All he has to do is stay out in front during the match and set him off at the right time. I went from being ready to make this a bathroom/refreshment break to being all in. Good for them.


I feel I should comment on Alexa Bliss vs. Randy Orton because we all know that this is going to get cinematic and potentially corny. I don’t know if it brings back Bray Wyatt but if I was a part of WWE Creative, I would have a pitched an angle that brings back Finn Balor instead. I say this because Bliss is playing with Witchcraft. That opens doors and Balor, if they adhere to lore, would take the opportunity if he is a “Dæmon”. They could give him the fair shot they should have in the first place but we’ll see what they actually do. I’m not expecting to enjoy this match but I’ll go in open enough to be converted.


So that leaves what will probably be the main event in Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns with Edge as guest enforcer. Now, this set-up alone alludes to this not being a straight forward match. That’s okay. I don’t have a problem with that it’s just it will be on them to keep it interesting but not ridiculous. I’m thinking Edge may be enforcing that more than anything else but we will have to wait and see. Again, it’s safe to presume Reigns will get the win but how honorably will be the real question. Outside of that, all they really have to do is have fun out there. That we shouldn’t have to worry about. I’m looking forward to it. Seeing how Bryan lost a kidney on SmackDown, I think he may come out nice and lit to the party. We’ll see how Reigns extinguishes him.


So that’s my take on the night. I think Fastlane may pleasantly surprise us if they go about it right. Again, I can see that they’re thinking about it. And that’s all I really ask. They have to do this day in and out, year after year. I can see how keeping it fresh could get tiresome but that’s the gig. If they don’t, fans will find them tiresome and then what’s the point? Let’s just hope they keep it nice and loose out there and they just go a little nuts. A little nuts because they got to get real nuts next month. Let’s see if they’re on the right track. Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes well, again let’s not expect too much but expect a clean show. Keep a look out for who is trying their best to make it work.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
