Retro SmackDown Is Too Busy for Cleanup Duty....

What’s Going On, Enthusiasts!


Happy Friday. So there’s some chatter in the wrestling world but nothing too exciting in my opinion but I’ll hit the main points. Let’s get to it, shall we?


So, AEW had their Blood & Guts for free this week and it was what it was. With RAW currently back in the toilet, I can’t say that it was bad but from what I saw, I didn’t see anything that would make me watch more. Yet, it’s clear that not having NXT as same day/time competition has helped their numbers. AEW is now reaching a million viewers according to rating reports. NXT is holding steady at around 770,000. This kinda proves my American League vs. National League baseball comparison. NXT is the minor leagues so naturally, not everyone is keen on seeing them. They’re in training. We don’t know if they’ll ever make it to The Show. If you love the sport so to speak or like to scout, then why not check ‘em out. You can say that you saw them when. AEW, on the other hand, has a lot of established wrestlers. Many of whom got their start or at least did a stint with WWE so, we already know for the most part that they are decent wrestlers which should lead to decent action, which it does.


The main thing that keeps me from becoming a regular viewer is that they appear to have relatively low production values and tend to be more hardcore. I understand my own blood lust but I don’t need to see the blood or the guts. I don’t mind some gnarly bumps and some raucous action but I don’t need any blading or barbed wire or thumbtacks. It comes off tacky and doesn’t show wrestling in the best light. To outsiders, we come off like a bunch of crazed sadists. We’re everything that’s wrong with this world sort of thing. AEW has some class acts. If I were them, I’d be focusing more on that. I don’t mind that they keep to a more traditional sense of Western professional wrestling. They should basically do what WWE isn’t doing. I think that’s what they think they’re doing but what I’m getting at is that they should appeal more to true wrestling fans. The ones who don’t mind going to the auditoriums in the middle of nowhere and the random high schools for their local wrestling action. The Indy feel is fine if they embrace it. If you don’t want that corporate, polished action, come over here, have a beer and some fun. You don’t even have to put your shoes on. That way, it is what it is more distinctly. If you like 1 the other or both, it’s your choice but accept that they are different in this way. Don’t bother comparing them. Just stick to your preference and feel free to see what else is going on from time to time.


As for the WWE Universe, well talk of Daniel Bryan’s status is dying down but it’s still a big question mark in our world. I’ll just table the issue on this one point. I think Bryan going to AEW is a waste of his time. He’s at the top. Why take the step back is all I think when it comes to that speculation. Why would he? I know getting kicked off SmackDown could prompt that sentiment because he’d feel that going to RAW would either be like death or be a hell of a lot of work ‘cause the bulk of it would be on his shoulders.  Yet, we generally know how this works. If he really was opposed to that move, we probably would have heard about his retirement beforehand. It would have been akin to a falling out with WWE. Yet, with so much quiet on it, I’m sure what’s next has already been decided, just not disclosed. I’m all for him having an occasional match anywhere. But for him to choose AEW alone when he can have it all? I just think that’s silly.  There’s no shame in going to Trader Joe’s but if you can afford to go to Gelsons, why not? For those of you unfamiliar those are grocery store chains in southern California. The first is frugal the second, not so much. Same diff, in my mind. Why slum when you don’t have to?


Anyway, that brings us to tonight’s SmackDown. It was promoted as a “retro show” but it’s not reading like it so far, apart from a guest appearance from Teddy Long. Haven’t seen anyone decked out all 80s like or anything. That’s what I was expecting. I’m a little disappointed. I think that would be a lot of fun. Maybe on Labor Day 😉 Anyway, not much has been advertised outside of Cesaro facing off against Seth Rollins again. And Rey Mysterio and Dolph Ziggler will grace us with a match because, they can and it’s SmackDown. They have a reputation to uphold. Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes, let’s see what we get. So far, they could be more retro if that’s what they’re doing but I’ll settle for a good show. We shouldn’t have must to complain about but don’t feel the need to be too nice. We have to keep them honest.



See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
