RAW Switches Focus to Night of Champions (Saudi Arabia)...

 How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?

How was your weekend? Mine was productive. I’m going to make some moves soon and I was just scouting out the potential new destinations. We’ll see what works out. 

As for the Wrestling World, there are some things to talk about. Not that much but enough to have a decent discussion. Shall we?

We’ll start outside of WWE today as MJF returned to his indie origins recently. Apparently, AEW is taking a tour of the independent shows at present and it was only natural MJF return to his alma mater. Always nice to see when a person stays true to their roots.

In the WWE Universe, there is some difficult news to contemplate with word coming from the Randy Orton camp that doctors have advised that Orton hang up the boots. The damage done may be irreversible and we all know Orton isn’t getting younger. It may be time to call it a day.

Personally, I hope this is some sort of feint to set up a surprise return at SummerSlam or something but if it the prognosis is true, Orton doesn’t have to jeopardize his health and happiness for the likes of the We. As much as I feel there is plenty more that could still be done, Orton has sacrificed plenty already if the outlook isn’t so good. We’ll leave the final verdict up to the Viper but if it were up to me and there was a safe way to do it, I’d get him back in action ASAP.

In lighter news, it appears that relations between Syria and Saudi Arabia have improved enough to allow Sami Zayn to travel there for Night of Champions. I do hope all necessary precautions are taken, of course. Let’s not forget that tensions in this region of the world are, at a minimum, a couple millenia old. To think they’re going to be resolved overnight is simply naïve. Get Zayn in and out as quickly and covertly as possible. 

On that tense note, we’re brought to tonight’s RAW. The major matter of business is a Royal Rumble to determine the #1 Contender for GUNTHER and the Intercontinental Championship. Outside of that, there’s some on-going beef set to be address. Becky Lynch can’t stand Trish Stratus at the moment and we all know that Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes are staying separated. Everything else we’ll have to show up and watch. 

I’ll catch up with the West Coast feed. I got my DVR all set up and I’m enjoying the transition. It’s nice to be able to fast-forward and rewind at my leisure. I’ll be sticking to a more standard schedule this week but I plan to be on the move again during Memorial Day Weekend. There is a good chance I’ll catch up with Night of Champions later in the day but we’ll see. In the meantime, I’ll be watching along as much as I can. You’re always welcome to join me if you’re able. 

See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
