
RAW Sends Everyone Home for Bad Blood...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Making the most of a Monday? I guess you have to. There is quite a bit to chat about, depending on your interest, but I’m only going to talk about a few things. Just going with a broad overview. Though there’s much to choose from, I’ve only got words for a few. Up for hearing them? Let’s get into it.   First thing is first, whether you like him or not, congratulations are in order for Mr. Logan Paul. He’s a proud Papa as he and his fiancée welcomed their 1 st child last week. I’m sure the reality is sinking in and changing our braggart at a core level. Will he be as fun to boo going forward? Can’t say but I do wish his new family well. Mazel Tov!   In other news, for The Simpsons fans out there, John Cena got his debut but most agree that the Simpson-ification didn’t quite take with him. A commentor got it right, I think, by noticing Cena was drawn without a chin and that’s one of his more distinguishing features. Can’t say I made the corre

SmackDown Tries to Stay Focused for Bad Blood...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! Certainly glad to see the end of this week. Not that it was particularly bad or anything, just looking forward to a rest 😩 As for the Wrestling World, there are a few topics of interest we can chat about. You up for it? Let’s break it down. We’ll start in the Realm of AEW as there were some things that warrant a short discussion. First of all, Shane McMahon was seen with the Young Bucks during a flight recently. Both parties were on their way to Salt Lake City, UT for some reason. Most are saying this is a coincidence but is there a Shane McMahon debut at AEW in the works?  I can’t say. It does seem random but without Tony Khan in the mix it’s hard to say one way or another. I guess with those who travel a lot and in the same business, crossing paths is bound to happen but the destination does raise an eyebrow. It would be more dismissable if the flight was from Salt Lake to New York but reports are saying it was from New York to Salt Lake so 🤔 Guess we’ll

RAW Deals with a Mixed Bag Ahead of Bad Blood...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   A decent Monday, for you? I don’t know about you, but it was kinda strange for me, a lot of irregular happenings. People usually present, absent. Routes usually clear, backed up with traffic. Shops usually open, suddenly closed. And some of the opposite happened as well. Someone never there, shows up. Detouring from one franchise to another leads to a better experience. There are astrological explanations but I’m keeping it simpler. It was a bit of an odd day.   In any case, we’ve got some stuff we can talk about going on in the Wrestling World. Still up for the chat, even if it’s a weird one? Let’s get into it.   Well, let’s get the less savory chatter out of the way. In response to the new Netflix documentary out on Vince McMahon, it appears Mr. McMahon has issued a statement generally asking for some consideration. Given his disgraced status, it’s no surprise most onlookers and commenters aren’t willing to hear it but I can’t help but feel

SmackDown Plays with Presentation for Bad Blood...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Enjoying your Friday? I’m about to start. So, there are a few rumblings at the end of this week. Gives us something to talk about for sure. You ready to get into it? Let’s do it.   We’ll start in the Realm of AEW because they seem to be evolving before our eyes at the moment. But before we get into that, the big news is that there are reports that Miro/Rusev has requested his release from AEW. Haven’t seen or heard much of him recently and I wasn’t sure if that was due to him being injured or whatever but it appears he feels he’s going to waste. Could we see the return of “Rusev Day” in the WWE Universe? Most commenters would welcome it and I wouldn’t mind it either.   I’m glad Miro got a taste of the world outside of the WWE Universe but he always seemed better suited for it. Hopefully, he has confirmed that sentiment. I would like to see him return, Lana too. But in the event that they return, they’ll have to decide to either keep or chuck t

RAW Takes the Attention Back to Build Bad Blood...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Enjoying your Monday evening? It’s a slow news day in the Wrestling World so, unlike recent posts, this one should be brief. Just don’t have much to talk about. Shall we get into it? Let’s just jump in.   Given WWE is now working with rap artist Megan Thee Stallion, there’s speculation that Mercedes Moné aka Sasha Banks may have to wait to collaborate with her. Word has it that she had designs to work with Stallion at some point in a wrestling capacity but that tends to get difficult when WWE calls dibs.   Well, we don’t know the particulars of this partnership. Not sure it constitutes a contractual obligation or at least not a long-standing one. I would think if WWE intends to use mainstream artists going forward, it’s probably less expensive to let them come and go as they please. I wouldn’t say never if I were Moné. Stallion is a big girl. I think she’d translate well to in-ring action. If she’s in good shape, I’d look into seeing if Alicia

AEW Gets Some Attention While WWE Sets Up Bad Blood...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!   How’s everyone doing? Well, there’s a few things to chat about but, you know, nothing that shocking just news of the day. I’d say it’s a slow one, more or less, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to talk about. Let’s start the discussion, shall we?   So, I’ll start by finalizing my thoughts on AEW’s All Out. Now, I think it’s promising that they’ve got me talking about it at least. Usually, I’m not so moved but I can see the potential. I don’t hate the brand, it’s just not my bag. And with so many former WWE stars over there, I have to check it out from time to time just to see how they’re doing. It’s good to see what’s going on. There’s more than 1 way to wash a shirt.   Anyway, what I’m getting at is that I took a longer look at the points of contention concerning the “violence” and I fully stand by my previous statements. Looking at the Strickland vs. Page match, it got stupid when Page pulled out the “spike” of burnt wood from the i

RAW Asks Who Has Bad Blood...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Well, it was an interesting weekend. AEW has all the attention right now due to All Out being no All In. Most viewers preferred All In as All Out seemed to go “too far”. I didn’t see it for myself but I’ll catch the said better matches some time this week but I did see enough on social media to form somewhat of an opinion. Let’s get into it, shall we?   So, I was actually feeling a little excited for AEW as they seemed to be finding a good stride to establish and then they just missed the mark. Is it a failed experiment? Not quite. Let’s start with the Steel Cage Match between Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page. With the lead up of Strickland’s “family home” being burned down by Page, I was expecting a “blood bath” of sorts. I thought and was half-expecting them to go out there and “kill each other” like they’re s’poseta but no, they added an extra layer as Page “rigged the game” by drugging Strickland, syringe and all, to deal him a chair shot fo

SmackDown Fallout - Bash in Berlin

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts!   Happy Friday! It’s a hot one in Southern California. Even by the beach it’s sweltering. Well, I’ll live. Been doing it all my life. So, there are a few things going on that have caught my interest so, the chat will be brief but shouldn’t be a waste of time. Ready to get into it? Let’s.   First off, let’s congratulate former WWE stars, Emma and MadCap Moss as they announced their first child is on the way. I just hope they invested wisely when they were with WWE. Child rearing is one of the most expensive things you can do these days. Regardless, I’m happy for them and wish this new family all the best in the future.   In other news, Cody Rhodes has some legal issues to face alongside WWE. Apparently there’s a punk band on the East Coast who is also rocking the “American Nightmare” moniker. Apparently, WWE and this band, American Nightmare, came to a settlement a few years back to restrict the logo sizing and whatnot to limit confusion between

RAW Fallout - Bash in Berlin 2024

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Enjoying the day off if you have it? Bash in Berlin has come and gone and there’s some other news making the rounds. Are you up for the brief discussion? Let’s get into it.   Let’s just get Bash in Berlin out of the way. I enjoyed it. I have to say the German Crowd was the most interesting part of it. Not that the PPV was bad but it wasn’t the most thrilling, shall we say but it was a solid show nonetheless. As you can see, no real complaints outside of I just wasn’t “wowed”.   Most seem to have come around to CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre being Match of the Night, though quite a few are pushing for the Randy Orton vs. GUNTHER match. My vote is definitely for Punk and McIntyre. It was a lot more fun that I thought it would be and I like how Punk stuck to the assignment. Let McIntyre overexcite himself, so to speak, and just took advantage of the rules.   He also let McIntyre have it too which was good to see since we’re a little uncertain abou

Bash in Berlin 2024 - Matches of Interest

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? I like how this PPV is shaping up. Once again the home Crowd throws an interesting wrench into the plans. If things were set, are they now changing? I can't and won't say but I think how this Crowd is operating will be a big factor in how this show goes. Let me just get into it. First up, Gunther vs. Randy Orton. Well, I think Orton should tag him back in this one. Gunther spanked him like a baby or at least if you tuned in at the right time, that's what it would look like. So, I think it’s only fair that Orton does his own version of showing Gunther who he is.  Now, this will be delicate being on Gunther’s technical home turf. We can split the hairs in his being Austrian but I’m not sure when that PPV happens so, this will have 2 do. Yet, that’s also where the chance for Orton lies. I don’t doubt WWE will be back but it’s not exactly guaranteed so, everyone abroad has to make the most of what they get. So, what’s the greater moment? Witnessing